About CP Renovables

We are a company of the Central Puerto S.A group, created to meet the demands of clients who need to source renewable energy.

We have an interdisciplinary team that provides personalized advice on the best options for contracting clean energy, with the goal of achieving the highest profitability in our clients' business plans.

Get to know who we are
Imagen de un edificio
Imagen de un molino
Imagen de molino al atardecer
Imagen de un panel solar
Imagen de un camino con molinos

Our parks generate clean energy and contribute to the sustainability of the planet.

Renewable energy in numbers

Icono con una casa y una hoja de arbol


Households per year supplied

Icono de una columna electrica


MW of

Icono de un molino y una lamparita



It’s good to stay in touch

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Personal information
Icono de una hoja dentro de un sobre


Icono de una agenda

(5411) 4317 - 5000

Icono de localizacion

Av. Tomas Alva Edison 2701 | Dársena E – Puerto de Buenos Aires (C1104BAB) City of Buenos Aires | República Argentina